Gay & Lesbian Couples Counseling NYC


Is the loving relationship you once had causing you pain?
Are you afraid that you won't be able to save it?

Gay & Lesbian Couples Counseling can help you bring love, respect and passion  back to your relationship.

“Love never dies a natural death. 
It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source.
It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals." 

This Anais Nin quote speaks to the heart of relationships gone wrong. If yours has become difficult, filled with arguments, resentment and pain, it's because of what you haven't learned about keeping it, not just alive, but thriving. 

Perfect people are non-existant and so are perfect relationships. The issues we bring to dating, living together and marriage must be balanced by harmony for any relationship to work. In the beginning we hope the issues will be worked out.

Often they don't and that's when the work of keeping these issues from ruining everything should begin.
You often hear that even the best relationships take work but what that means isn't clear.

You may feel that you've tried everything you can and nothing seems to change, that you and your partner seem incapable of getting past certain obstacles. 

While this may be true now, once you've learned how to build a great relationship you'll find that it's better than ever.
To Read

8 Signs of a Relationship in Trouble

Click Here

Gay & Lesbain Couples Therapy you will teach you how to:

     Stop fighting and start talking 
Fighting is designed to unleash anger and declare a winner. Talking is about listening and being heard.
Define and set boundaries
Too much closeness? Too far apart? Learn how to widen or bridge the gap effectively. 

Negotiate, compromise and know when to stand firm  "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes, you find, you get what you need".  

 Be honest and accountable 
Not only isn't it always the other person's fault, it's rarely just one person's fault. In fact, forget the word "fault". 

Share responsibilities
Think like a partner. Alone you can be disorganized, a "get to it when you get to it" type. But you're not alone now.  

Bring back the passion
And I'm not just talking about sex. 

 I have been providing couples counseling to gay and lesbian couple for over 20 years and I can teach you and your partner the skills needed to creating a happier, healthier relationship.

      For a free telephone consultation contact me at

Marianne Delon, ACSW

212 696 0773
[email protected]

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