Gay & Lesbian Premarital Counseling NYC


Why should we consider Premarital Counseling?  

The decision to marry, especially for those who have known each other a short time, is often made in a whirlwind of euphoria which often obscure the differences that can lead to unhappiness or a relationship which ultimately fails. 

Problems inevitably arise in even the best relationships and will, when added to those present before the marriage, adversely affect the relationship if not resolved.

Marriages in which couples are unable to employ the conflict resolution skills needed to  work through their issues are most at risk.  

Learning these skills is one of the secrets of a successful marriage. Many couples marry without having explored and resolved potential areas of conflict that will profoundly affect their lives together.

 What are those areas of conflict?
Differing views regarding expectations of marriage, money management, the role of friends and relatives, the setting of individual boundaries and a number of issues relating to sex, to name a few. Even things as seemingly simple as how to manage household chores can create resentment when couples disagree. Unresolved issues result in repetitive fighting, anger, distancing, withdrawal, and the withholding of sex leading, in some cases, to the dissolution of the marriage. 

In my experience providing gay & lesbian premarital counseling I have identified these as the most common areas
where couples differ:  

  Monogamy vs. Open Marriage 

The condition under which either works is mutual consent. Too often one partner will agree to monogamy or an open marriage out of fear or because they're unaware of how the situation would affect them. Or, an open or monogamous relationship that existed before marriage can sometimes become unacceptable after marriage. Premarital counseling  helps couples negotiate the aspects of either open marriage or monogamy.



Even today, many children emerge as adults with traditional gender roles intact.

Difficulties may arise due to the composition of same sex couples. While women traditionally seek emotional closeness and someimes avoid confrontation, men are more apt to be competitive and less emotionally expressive.

Premarital counseling for gay & lesbian couples is an effective setting in which to explore and implement flexible gender roles. 

Communication Style

Men and women have different communication styles. Women tend to be more emotionally expressive while men are often less so.

Same sex couples face the challenge that comes of these differing styles. The content and style of the couple's communication should be less polarized in order to be productive. When this isn't the case the result is repetitive arguments someone feeling  that they're not being heard or an absence of  positive action.

Premarital counseling helps a couple learn productive communication skills. 

For a free premarital counseling consultation please contact me 

Marianne Delon, ACSW

212 696 0773  
[email protected]

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