8 Signs of a Relationship in Trouble


8 Signs of a Relationship in Trouble


1 Fights Have Become Toxic


Arguments are repetitive, same subject, different day

Your disagreements have become full out screaming matches 

Personal, cruel attacks are part of the equation

Arguments have become emotionally and/or physically abusive


2 Communication Has Broken Down  


There's no discussion about things that matter 

The daily texts sent or received have become one-sided or have disappeared

Hours are spent together in tension-filled silence


 3 The Blame Game is Being Played


One of you is seen as the reason for everything that's wrong

The belief is that one of you has to change in order for the relationship to improve 



4 Your Sex Life Has Changed


Sexual activity has become less frequent 

There's been no sex at all for what seems like too long

Sex, when it happens, has become passionless, robotic


  5 Distance Has Become the Norm


More time is spent with friends than with each other

Electronic devices are getting much more attention than you are

Vacations, outings and events are not being planned


 6 Physical Behavior Has Diminished


Your bodies don't touch in bed, on the couch or in a crowded space

Physical affection like hand holding and hugging has disappeared

Attempts for affection are being rejected


7 Apathy Has Set In


Fixing the relationship seems like a hopeless pursuit

The desire to compromise or talk a problem through has diminished or disappeared

Time spent apart is a relief

Compassion for each other is gone


Last But Not Least


Youfeel rejected unloved, alone, unattractive, scared, angry and miserable


If any of this describes your relationship Couples Counseling is somehring you should consider


For a free telephone consultation contact me


[email protected]


212 696 0773

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